Refund Policy

If you would like to return or exchange an item, please contact us within 15 days of product delivery.
Once verified with our store, we will contact you via email with instructions on how to proceed.
Returns and exchanges can only be made after the product has been confirmed by our store.
In addition, we only charge customers one shipping fee (including returns), but if the customer requests a return, we cannot charge re-shipping fees. if free shipping
Customer must pay return shipping charges. You must notify us in advance if any
For losses or returns due to other reasons (such as security inspection, transportation loss, wrong delivery, etc.), we will provide full refund unconditionally
If a product is returned due to insufficient address, incorrect address, undeliverable address, or the customer cannot be contacted, the product will be returned.
If the customer requests a return for a refund, the consumption tax paid will not be refunded.
After receiving the product, be sure to check the delivery note and inspect the product before use.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges under the following circumstances.
Please note that due to health issues, underwear and earrings cannot be returned or exchanged
For products that come into direct contact with the skin (such as T-shirts), we do not accept returns or exchanges after trying them on. Please be careful when checking dimensions.
Products marked as non-returnable on the product description page.
If the product is damaged, stained or wrinkled due to customer negligence.
If the product has been used once upon receipt or shows signs of use
If the product smells like perfume or cigarette smoke.
Whether the product has been washed or cleaned, or whether it has been altered or modified
If the product's label or name tag has been cut off, or any accessories are missing
If we do not receive a return or exchange request within 15 days of receipt of the product
If a product is returned without contacting us for a return or exchange.
Even in cases other than those listed above, we will deny your request if we determine that a return or exchange is not possible
You can return unused products within 30 days of receiving your order
If you plan to return a product, it must be in an unused condition and contain no dirt, dust, or other odors that do not belong to the product. Additionally, the packaging is not damaged, soiled, or otherwise affected by resale
You will be responsible for shipping costs on returns and may pay a handling fee of up to 20% of the order price. (Special note, this money is not eligible for refund.)